Thomas Jefferson
Author of the Declaration of Independence

1743 Born April 13th, at Shadwell, Virginia
1762 Graduated from the College of William and Mary
1767 Admitted to the bar
1769-75 Member of the House of Burgesses
1775-76 Member of the Continental Congress
In June, authored the Declaration of Independence.
July 4th, Signed the Declaration of Independence.
1776-79 Member of the Virginia Legislature
1780-81 Governor of Virginia
1783-85 Member of the Congress of Confederation
1785-89 Minister to France from the United States
1790-93 Secretary of State of the United States
1797-1801 Vice-President of the United States
1801-09 President of the United States
1819 Founded the University of Virginia
1826 Died July 4th at Monticello, Virginia


Who educated this founding father?

From the Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, dated January 6, 1821, we read,

… “He (my father) placed me at the English school at five years of age; and at the Latin at age nine, where I continued until his death. My teacher, Mr. Douglas, a clergyman from Scotland, with the rudiments of the Latin and Greek languages, taught me the French; and on the death of my father, I went to the Reverend Mr. Maury, a correct classical scholar, with whom I continued two years; and then, to wit, in the Spring of 1760, went to William and Mary College, where I continued two years. It was my great good fortune, and what probably fixed the destinies of my life, that Dr. William Small of Scotland, was then Professor of Mathematics, a man profound in most of the useful branches of science, with a happy talent of communication, correct and gentlemanly manners, and an enlarged and liberal mind…he was the first who ever gave, in that college, regular lectures in Ethics, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres…procuring for me, from his most intimate friend, George Wythe, a reception as a student of law, under his direction, and introduced me to the acquaintance and familiar table of Governor Fauquier, the ablest man who had ever filled that office… In 1769, I became a member of the legislature by the choice of the county in which I live, and so continued until it was closed by the Revolution. I made one effort in that body for the permission of the emancipation of slaves, which was rejected: and indeed, during the regal government, nothing liberal could expect success…”

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