Was George Mason a Christian?

George Mason’s Last Will and Testament witnesses to the fact he was a true believer in Jesus Christ:

I, George Mason, of “Gunston Hall,” in the parish of Truro and county of Fairfax, being of perfect and sound mind and memory and in good health, but mindful of the uncertainty of human life and the imprudence of man’s leaving his affairs to be settled upon a deathbed do make and appoint this my last Will and Testament. My soul, I resign into the hands of my Almighty Creator, whose tender mercies are over all His works, who hateth nothing that He hath made and to the Justice and Wisdom of whose dispensation I willingly and cheerfully submit, humbly hoping from His unbounded mercy and benevolence, through the merits of my blessed Savior, a remission of my sins.1

George Mason, together with George Washington and William, Lord Fairfax, built their parish church, Pohick Episcopal Church, circa 1774, still used as a House of Worship today. Their pews are marked.

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Rowland, Kate Mason. The Life of George Mason (1725-1792). Including his Speeches, Public Papers, and Correspondence; with an Introduction by General Fitzhugh Lee. (Volume II). New York and London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1892. Library of Congress, Manuscript Division.

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